Hiring a professional window cleaner can provide numerous benefits to any homeowner. While many people prefer to clean their own windows, there are some compelling reasons to consider hiring a professional. Here are some of the advantages of hiring a professional window cleaner for your home:
In summary, Clearly Perfection is a company that can provide numerous benefits, including superior results, time-saving, safety, cost-effectiveness, convenience, and improved curb appeal. If you're looking for a hassle-free way to keep your windows clean and clear, give us a call today. Seriously, we are so great at what you do you will live with the regret that you didn't give us a call sooner :)
In the fall of 2020 I mentioned that we would offer gutter cleaning to our window cleaning service. The time is finally here! Gutter cleaning is a great add-on service to window cleaning. Pricing will start at $95 and the estimate is customized to your unique home. Why is it important to have your gutters clear and not like the picture below? Here are two reasons. First, gutters are designed to remove water from your home and your foundation. Excessive water can erode and compromise the foundation in extreme cases. Second, if your gutters are full of debris, it adds additional weight to the gutters that can cause damage. A little bit of maintenance can go a long way to mitigate unnecessary costs to a homeowner.
I could go on about the reasons you should have your gutters cleaned, but we can agree that calling Clearly Perfection is just easier? I am looking forward to your call at 479.966.9403. Another year is closing upon us and I wanted to take just a moment to say thank you for your business! This has been an interesting year to say the least, but you have continued to allow me the opportunity to eliminate one of your many tasks around the home. Clean windows can literally make your home brighter and sometimes that is all you need to start the day with a smile. Can you expect more from Clearly Perfection in the near future? Absolutely, here are a few items that I will be working on to further improve your experience.
Social Media. I have worked to stay engaged with customers through social media, but 2021 will include a much needed boost to staying in contact with customers and using social media to offer the occasional discount. Also, creating content that is worth your "like" and your time. If you aren't following me on social media then please do! Click on the links below: Gutter Cleaning. Fall is an amazing time for colors here in Arkansas, but those beautiful fall colors can easily find themselves in your gutters! This winter I will be adding gutter cleaning along with window cleaning. I will roll this out to one story residences at this time only, but I will be sure to let you know if I expand this service. Thank you again for everything! Please continue to think of Clearly Perfection for your window cleaning needs and you have my word that I will work even harder to create the best window cleaning experience for you. Adaptability coupled with a genuine concern for the customer leads to a successful business model. This philosophy is what I strive for, especially when cleanliness and health is at an all time high. We are now offering Contactless Window Cleaning! Here are a few questions that you may have:
I have loved every opportunity to own a business in Northwest Arkansas and care for my window cleaning customers. I hope this is another way we can show our gratitude and care for the health of our customers! Please feel free to call us for more questions at (479) 966-9403.
As mentioned on our website for much of April we have been undergoing a few changes to better serve our customers. One of those changes is that our business phone number has changed to (479) 966-9403. Why the change? That number was a mobile number and the amount of calls were becoming a challenge to manage and our customers deserve better. We take window cleaning seriously and I didn't want to drop a customer.
We have a few more changes coming and we will keep you posted! If you want to stay connected to the the most dependable window cleaner in NWA then follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Also, we just opened up a new Instagram account and we will soon be filling it with window cleaning pictures when we are in Bentonville, Fayetteville and the NWA area. Don't forget to call your favorite window cleaner! (479) 966-9403. Window cleaning is something that you may not look forward to doing and finding the right company is frustrating. It can also be challenging to find a company that can fit your schedule, budget and that you are comfortable working with. I am fortunate to have been able to help many customers in Bentonville, Fayetteville and the NWA area!
Is it possible to still find yourself frustrated when hiring a service even if you have hired in them past? If you are my customer, can I frustrate you at times when you are looking to schedule your window cleaning service? Sadly, it's still possible despite my best efforts. I have created many loyal relationships with customers and they keep me very busy and this can be a challenge when someone is trying to book an opponent book at the last minute. Even for my current customers there are a few things that you can do to ensure that your windows stay cleaned! Here are a few helpful suggestions... Book Early! This sounds like a no-brainer, but it can be challenging to make the call or email early enough before your desired time frame. Typically, I am booked many weeks in advance and during the warmer months I can be booked months in advance! Calling early can help me as we work together to get the right time Call During Off Season. January, February and September are the slowest months. This can be advantageous for those who are more interested in maintaining clean windows throughout the entire year instead of cleaning them for a specific event. Are you ready for clean windows?? This may be a little early for many of you and you may not be quite ready to book, but Spring is about here! Regardless of your timing I hope that the above suggestions help you book your next window cleaning service. This time of year is extremely busy for window cleaners. November and December brings in family and friends and when coupled with kids being home more because of the holidays, things can get quite busy at your house. While preparing for guests can be overwhelming, having someone to care for those time intensive tasks can help you greatly!
Are you thinking about getting your windows cleaned this fall/winter? If so, don't delay in booking an appointment! For example, at the time of this post I am booked up until December 15th! I wish I had the time to care for everyones window cleaning needs, but it is close to impossible to care for everyone, especially new clientele. So are there ways to still get your windows cleaned by NWA's most dependable window cleaner? Absolutely. First, don't delay in contacting me to see what I can do for you and your schedule. This is especially true if you are a new client because existing clients have typically booked in advance and openings could be limited. Second, think outside the box. Your life can be busy and you can easily forget to book a cleaning! With that in mind, time slots may be shorter and you may consider cleaning just the exterior of your home instead of inside and out. Another option is cleaning the exterior and just a few on the inside. Thinking outside the box allows us to come together with a plan that works for everyone. Finally, if by chance you call and I am unable to schedule an appointment early enough, please don't give up in booking a future cleaning from the most dependable window cleaner in Fayetteville and Bentonville! Spring has arrived with Summer quickly approaching. For many individuals window cleaning is one of those items that sneaks up until it becomes urgent to get done! Have you ever been in that situation? It's not just frustrating for the customer, but it is also frustrating for me as I work hard to meet the needs of my customers. The far majority of the time I am able to schedule a time for window cleaning that works for both parties involved when I have little notification.
I have found that current and future clients are the most satisfied overall when they have me come on a regular basis and even schedule out their window cleaning services throughout the year. What about the weather? No one can predict the weather, but my rain guarantee will help ease the minds of the customer and if we need to rearrange the appointment we can do so with priority placed on those who had already scheduled appointments for that week. I look to make sure that all your windows are cleaned perfectly and that all my customers are satisfied. Get you window cleaning scheduled today from NWA's most dependable (and busiest) window cleaner! Every year we look forward to Spring because thethe flowers bloom and the trees bud. This is the reason we love to live in NWA! Every spring we look forward to better weather and getting outdoors and if you feel ambitious.....spring cleaning (insert your emotion here). Cleaning windows is a chore that most people hate and even for professionals there are challenges. So why hire a professional window cleaner? Here are two reasons.
We look forward to hearing from you! 479.305.0125 |